It’s Valentine’s Day and though some of us are more concerned with confirming reservations for our plus one- the most important thing today for this writer is Fashion Week. Yes, the time of year where New York City fills up with an array of tents set up around Midtown East, and everywhere you go you are surrounded by gorgeous models.
For those who don’t know the Mercedes Benz Fashion comes twice a year – kind of a like a double treat of fabulous-ness. This year Rachel Zoe – stylist turned designer took her collection and joined other designers on the catwalk. The colors were brown, white, burgundy, light play on floral

B/W armless cover-up
camouflage, soft golds and bold forest greens – and her pieces outlined every possible combination using half vested three piece suits and much more.
What outfit would not be complete with out knee high and ankle boots, and a good ‘ol clutch, fingerless half arm and wrist gloves to top everything off.
The music was appropriate and set the tone for the transition in between the models and new outfits that came out. Some outfits displayed the audacity and courage on Rachel Zoe’s creative play on simple yet iconic day to day pieces.
Given the current weather outside these outfits – especially the black and white plaid armless poncho is definitely much needed to stay warm.
Overall, I look forward to watching Rachel Zoe’s collection grow in the stores and perhaps if the financial gods are kind enough, I might just buy one outfit – or two- including the gloves.
By: Laura M. Artis.
T: @Lauraslifeonink.