We spent a lot of time talking about outdoor activities last summer and the feedback seemed to be positively received so we are stepping up our game and starting to cover the outdoor stuff even earlier this year. While this is not a piece on outdoor cocktails, you lushes will be just fine on your own until we put together our outdoor drinking articles.

If you’ve been following us, you might recognize that we’ve grown very appreciative and fond of the Bronx and that trend continues right now. In the Boogie Down, Chris Doyle’s outdoor installation at Wave Hill, “The Lightening,” consists of three origami-like geometric towers that show animated loops of aquatic life. Never heard of Wave Hill? Great! We’re excited to tell you about another New York gem that you will love. Wave Hill is a massive estate in Riverdale that had public horticultural gardens and a cultural center, all situated on the slopes overlooking the Hudson River, with expansive views across the river to the New Jersey Palisades. Epic epic views!

The exhibit is a night exhibit and something you won’t find in Manhattan. Check out another borough after dark. You won’t be disappointed! Wander through Glyndor Gallery and find plenty to edify body and soul in The Shop and The Café, including informal piano performances in the Mark Twain Room of Wave Hill House—the sets will range from classical and jazz to show tunes and works composed by the guest pianists.

Evening admission for Night Lights at Wave Hill: $25/$20 Wave Hill Member/$12 children.

For more information, visit Wave Hill.
