We are bothered by the end of summer up until we get that special email indicating that the Manor is back. To our team, it means that Fall is here and we need to embrace it. We need to embrace the change in weather, the Fall Fashion and the fact that Halloween is right around the corner. With the epic holiday just weeks ago, Blood Manor opens their doors!
As members of the media, we get perks and one of those perks is the invite to a sneak peek (and open bar) of the Manor. We get the exclusive opportunity to walk through the Manor, with a buzz, without a line. Sounds pretty awesome, right? We won’t argue that.
The 2016 installment of Manhattan’s best haunted house tops the eleven efficacious seasons they’ve had. There are new rooms, scarier walkways and creepier guests! This year, the team at the Manor makes your face your darkest fear – including the dark!
There are approximately twenty different rooms and experiences – each with its own theme and sound. Whatever your fears may be, Blood Manor will find them and raise your blood pressure (and yes, there are ‘chicken exits’).
As we enter the season, we encourage you to take advantage of the Manor’s generous discount ticket promotions including the return of the very popular Student Night; Free Admission on your Birthday Night and promo codes on all flyers and many websites for discount online tickets.
Sound like a place you’d like to visit? Maybe revisit? We agree. Check out the Manor at 163 Varick Street in lower Manhattan’s Hudson Square District. Be afraid, be VERY AFRAID!
Doors open to the public on September 30th and close on November 5th. There are plenty of ways to get in; including cutting the line! For more information and tickets, visit BloodManor.com.