@ Housing Works Bookstore Cafe – 126 Crosby Street
Housing Works’ Geek Week (March 6-12) is a booksale (30% off sci fi, fantasy, comics, vintage vinyl, science and math books all week) and geeky event extravaganza.
Explore the past, present, and future of fantasy and science fiction with authors Myke Cole (Control Point), Hillary Jordan (When She Woke), and Naomi Novik (Crucible of Gold), in discussion with http://Tor.com staff writer Ryan Britt.
They’ll discuss dragons in the Napoleonic Wars, elves in the Pentagon, criminals of (literally) a different color, and the state of SF/F, as well as sign books and take questions from the audience.
Co-sponsored by Housing Works and WORD in a team-up of epic proportions. Plus complimentary wine!
Adult Education Presents “Science: Fact & Fiction” on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7TH, 2012 at 7pm.
Adult Education’s contribution to “Geek Week” will feature useless lectures on the topic “Science: Fact & Fiction.”
Featuring The Science of Battlestar Galactica author Patrick Di Justo, Story Collider co-founder Ben Lillie, and host Charles Star.
The Williamsburg Spelling Bee comes to Housing Works’ Soho location on THURSDAY, MARCH 8TH, 2012 at 7pm.
A real, grown up spelling bee hosted by Jennifer Dziura and bobbyblue. From “broccoli” to “triskaidekaphobia,” relive or redeem your grade school humiliations, but with beer!
Geek Week Trivia Happy Hour is FRIDAY, MARCH 9TH, 2012 at 9pm.
Drink and mingle with other geeks and nerds as Jen and Kevin pipe in every 20 minutes or so with quiz questions. Play alone or as a team.
Hosted by Kevin Harrington of Boston’s Geek Week Comedy and Jennifer Dziura.