Acqua Santa
556 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 384-9695
Hours of Operation: Sun, Tues-Sat. Closed on Mondays
Subway to Bedford Ave.
I wish I lived in Brooklyn equipped with a lump sum of loot and sufficient time to test out every hidden nook and cranny downtown. However, until then this time around it was a pleasure to meet with my mom and a few other friends at Acqua Santa, translated in Italian it means “Holy Water.” Immediately, if the ambiance of the indoor patio setting surrounded by an abundance of lights and greenery does not hold your attention, then I would hope the food and service would suffice.
Once again I wanted to order everything on the plate, but we shared a couple of appetizers including the Insalate Frutti Di Mare (aka seafood remix) smothered in delicious raspberry vinaigrette, and Calamaretti in Padela. I ordered the Salmone in Salsa D’arancia; it sounds like an edible piece of poetry and other orders among our group consisted of Chicken and Lamb dishes.
The service was great and you felt as if you were eating dinner somewhere in Europe thanks to the soft lounge music echoing from the wall speakers. After dinner, we indulged in a couple of glasses of red wine and it was time to go, as the place got busier. P.s. I forgot to mention the brunch. If subsequent weekends are kind enough with miscellaneous social events, the brunch would be another reason for a double dosage of Acqua Santa.
By: Laura M.Artis