What is an Auntsforcamera? If it sounds like something that began in Brooklyn, you are correct! Where else would they come up with a name like that?

It comes from AUNTS, which is a community of artists and a choreographic structure for organizing numerous performances and activities in shared spaces. If it sounds like its combining several worlds of yours into one exhibition, you get it.

The exhibit was produced in collaboration with the Stedelijk Museum and the arts space and nightclub TrouwAmsterdam, “AUNTSforcamera” is a special multi-venue, international dance-for-camera edition of AUNTS.

If you want to go a step beyond attending the exhibit and care to get involved, contribute e your own dance-for-camera content to this project at Ocho.co: #auntsforcamera.

The venue is the New Museum, which was founded in d in 1977, the New Museum is a leading destination for new art and new ideas. It is Manhattan’s only dedicated contemporary art museum and is respected internationally for the adventurousness and global scope of its curatorial program. It’s on the Bowery and totally has the right address for what’s inside.

If you haven’t been to the museum, this exhibit is a great reason to check it out!
