at The powerHouse Arena (37 Main Street, Brooklyn)

Does your dog drink all your PBR? Prefer the legs of American Apparel employees to hump? Sneak out at night to go to 285 Kent? If you answered yes to any of these, then your pooch mostly likely already knows about tonight’s launch party for Christopher Weingarten’s Hipster Puppies. Based on his popular Tumblr (, the book is packed with photos of sunglasses-wearing, farmers’ market-shopping, Pitchfork-obsessed canines at play (or passed out from way too much partying) all accompanied by funny captions. The evening includes a hipster-puppy pageant, prizes for the best-dressed dogs, and free PBR for all. Extra special bonus: Weingarten, who is, of course, a music writer for this paper and many others, has made limited-edition cassette tapes of 20 of his favorite local bands that will be given away tonight with purchases of the book. -Village Voice

For more information, visit