Summer ends and we’re all depressed. Yes, there is no better time in New York than the Fall and it’s great to be back in the swing of things while enjoying the crisp air but it’s not summer. What we found that helps us ease into the season is tradition.
Football, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, and Blood Manor! Yes, THE Haunted House of New York City! Halloween isn’t until well into the season but if you’re part of the Press and lucky enough to be invited to Blood Manor’s Media Preview, you’ll find yourself in the season earlier than expected.
For us, this is tradition and totally sets the Fall vibe. If you haven’t experienced the attraction yet, please mark your calendar!
The Premier Haunted House Attraction is located at 163 Varick Street in lower Manhattan’s Hudson Square District. The neighborhood is perfect for the experience. There is little around but the residents of the Manor (see some of our photos — the ones they let us take).
We mentioned tradition and we’ve only been a part of it for the past 4 years. However, the Manor has been running for 10! The undead, demons, werewolves and other creatures of the night will be lurking as you travel through the 5,000 square foot maze of corridors, chambers and hidden places where the smell of rotting flesh and death permeates the air and the prince of death can smell your fear and inhales its pungent odor giving him the strength to steal your soul!
- Blood Manor New York
- Blood Manor New York
- Blood Manor New York
- Blood Manor New York
- Blood Manor New York
- Blood Manor New York
The eighteen environments – each with its own cringe inducing digital sounds – will raise your heartbeat to precarious levels. And yes, there is Blood – lots of it – make sure it is not yours! – The BLOOD MANOR residents exist to inhale the “nectar of the gods” by the gallon. You may think you are safe, but don’t relax your guard for a single moment- or it may be the last of your life!
That’s just a taste of the dangers awaiting you on your welcoming visit to BLOOD MANOR at 163 Varick Street in lower Manhattan’s Hudson Square District. For those of you who have previously survived BLOOD MANOR, 2015 guarantees new and extreme experiences; for newcomers – be afraid, be VERY AFRAID! So go out on the town – be it in Hudson Square, nearby SoHo or Tribeca or anywhere on the town – but make sure your evening of “fun” makes a stop at BLOOD MANOR!
Convinced? Scared? Either or, this has become a New York staple that makes the season complete!