It’s June, and even though this month’s calendar is strategically scheduled around watching the World Cup, we were honored to add the Craft Beer Festival at the Lexington Armory in NYC as part of the agenda.
In case you missed our preview, or somehow forgot to get tickets, let’s just say you missed a heck of a good time in two days. The Festival started on June 20 and ended on the 21st and it was truly awesome.
Also, the most important highlight of this event is the salute and honor to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society – an organization that does impeccable and outstanding work with bringing awareness, preventive measures, and offers a huge support on how to annihilate cancer – and we were very excited to be a part of a great event that brings people together in the name of charity.
Once we finally walked into the Armory after standing in a line so long that seemed to reach all the way around to Park Avenue, we were psyched to get our official wristbands and the souvenir beer tasting glass – then the fun began.
A staff member offered an opportunity to grab a guide so we were able to navigate better – however, we chose to opt out and boldly navigate through the Armory without one.
Besides, we are pros as this – at-least we thought so in the beginning.
Calling all Pale and Brown Ales, Lagers, Wheat Beers ( Hoegaarden – just happens to be your writer’s favorite in this category), IPA’s (India Pale Ale’s ), Double IPA’s, Bock, Porter, Stouts, and many more that I’m sure we missed – regardless, let’s brew something together.
- Bronx Brewery 2014 Craft Beer Fest
- Crabbie's Ginger Beer 2014 Craft Beer Fest
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Brooklyn Brewery
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lexington Armory
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lion Brewery
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Blanche De Bruxelles
- 2014 Craft Beer Fest: Lammsbrau Brewery
- Lexington Armory Beer Fest International
Let’s say if you enjoyed a specific station, all you had to do was get a ticket from the Lymphoma Society’s table and place it in a cup next to the brewery.
Oh, wait one second, in addition to the visual confirmation above of participating breweries, a little bird mentioned there was more action downstairs – what?!
Immediately, we briskly walked towards the staircase and breathed a sigh of relief upon finding a secret stash of additional tasting- phew that was close!
What a phenomenal event and we had so much fun. It’s only right to wish for more good times in the prospective future, or next year.
By: Laura Artis
T: @Lauraslifeonink