So, there is an occasion and you have been tasked with producing an event. Maybe the task was given to you by yourself. Maybe it was delegated down to you. Whatever the case may be, you need help! Not only is it a serious time commitment but the quality of the event and how its perceived by the guests will reflect directly on you. No pressure! While there are nuances of every event that only the host can attend to, the larger, more time-consuming planning can be outsourced. We’re not here to tell you how to make your spouse’s boss’ favorite drink but what we are here to impress your spouse’s boss and in turn trickle all the benefits to you.
Obviously, the reason for the event has been determined, the date has been set and the guest list has been created. We hope that by the time you’re reading this, you are passed the panic attack and looking for help. That’s where we come in. In our role securing venues for events, we work with a ton of Event Planners. Because of this experience, we have learned what to look out for and broke it down in 5 key qualities to look for in an event planner.
1. Experience – What has the Event Planner done before? Do they have references? If not, run! If they do, call them all!
2. Relationships – Who does the Event Planner work with? Do they have ties to certain venues? Do you like the venues they work with? If not, can you fill in the gaps (i.e. call on New York Events?) How about service providers?
3. Industry Expertise – You work in fashion but the Event Planner specializes in Financial Services events. This will not work! KYA (Know Your Audience).
4. Team – Who is on the Event Planners team? Sole Proprietors are great but who do they reach out for when they need expertise? Meet the team. Meet the extended team.
5. Technology – From photo booths to digital invites, are they equipped to handle your needs. More importantly, can they deliver the experience your guests expect?
Now that you’re prepared to ace the interview process, we caution you NOT to be sold on price. While its important and needs to work within a budget, do not let it solely affect your decision. If you love an Event Planner but he or she is out of your budget, try to negotiate. Maybe offer a commission based scale or choose a different venue. If the venue is what you’re flexible on, you are on the right page. New York Events is always happy to work with any budget to help secure the correct venue. Remember, the Event Planner will make or break the experience for your guests and may result in fingers pointed your way.