Now, when it comes to Groundhog Day in the United States, the most famous groundhog is located in Pennsylvania (Punxsutawney Phil is his name). However, there are other celebrations and traditions found throughout the country, and naturally New York city has its own. If you are visiting the city or already live there, you can take in this Groundhog Day tradition in New York City, just make sure to show up a bit early.

At the Staten Island Zoo, you can find Staten Island Chuck. Here, the groundhog is going to make his own official prediction. While the one in Pennsylvania is the one that receives more national attention, there is nothing wrong with going with the local favorite. On February 2nd, Staten Island Chuck makes his official prediction at 7:30 am. He also makes an appearance throughout the day for individuals and families who want to see him but are not able to wake up and make it out that early. The entire ceremony is free to check out, which is great and if you want, there is a breakfast with the groundhog that costs $10 for adults and $5 for children. There is also a blood drive that takes place in the same location as well, so if your up for it, you can check out the event, eat some breakfast and then donate blood to help those around you.

If you are planning on taking in the breakfast, make sure to register ahead of time.
