It seems as if society has changed. Ever since the ‘Groupon Age’, people are no longer embarrassed to show coupons or look for a great deal. In fact, we may even go as far as saying that ‘cheap is in’. Sounds weird but it seems to be the case.

Many sites, including ours, often tote their ‘deals’ and half priced discounts. It has no longer become a separate market or place to find things. Deals and discounts have become integrated.

Well, it’s Thanksgiving week and it would be blasphemy for us to not post a piece on turkey or discounts. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and any other branded day surrounding Thanksgiving approaches, the deals and discounts will be plentiful. There will be so many ‘deals’ that you’ll probably spend more than you want to!

We ask that while you bask in the glory of ‘stealing’ goods and materials that you enjoy an event or two. A live performance to relax from all that shopping and discounting!

Check us out at for all the live event deals you can imagine!
