Our society has evolved and with it we have become more “sophisticated”.  The quotations are around the world because in many ways, as advanced of a society we are or think to be, we do not act like it. However, that is not what this piece is about. We are talking about a form of entertainment that we think of differently. The word is circus and we certainly do not envision a three-ring tent with lots of animals in a rural field. Yes, that was great fun at a point in time, but we have evolved through the years and iterations. Lucky for us in New York, we are the forefront of that. And, while Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey no longer exists, the show goes on and the professional circus performers are getting better and better. Let’s turn our attention to Brooklyn for this one.

It’s all going down at City Point. Artists in Residence & Photos by Giles Clement have developed a residency of aerialists and acrobats at City Point’s BKLYN STUDIOS weekdays 9am-1pm and 6pm-9pm and Sundays 10am-7pm until the end of February, and then their schedule in the space will shift for March and April. The best part is that its FREE! See some of the world’s best circus performers, who have been out of work during the pandemic practice showcasing training and creative process as well as rehearsals of works-in-progress and show-ready acts. We’re talking top notch talent for free, in a pandemic! Sound like something you’re interested in? us too! Artists will be inside BKLYN STUDIOS & viewers will be in the City Point main passageway. Masks & social distancing are required.

Finally, thousands of New York performers have been hurting during the COVID pandemic. As a small way of helping some of these performers, photographer Giles Clement and performer/producer Kyla Ernst-Alper have created a striking series of images for sale.  It’s a win for art. A win for New York and a win for you!

For more information, visit: www.anverentertainment.com/citypoint