With the second month of the year comes the Hallmark Holiday that people pretend to be unaffected by but secretly love and hate. It’s the day when Cupid, the most recognized symbol of love is on everyone’s minds. It means it’s the time to buy roses, chocolates and luxurious prix fixed meals! Good for the economy, good for love, right? In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of Venus, the goddess of love. According to Roman mythology, Cupid fell madly in love with Psyche despite his mother’s jealousy over Psyche’s beauty. So, what does that mean for you? Better place your flower orders ASAP! Or, plan a singles night to forget this one. At least it’s on a Friday.
Lucky for you, New York City offers a ton of options, so you can plan the Hallmark of dates: one that’s not too cheap and not too expensive! You can also use it as an opportunity to cure a broken heart and do a singles night. Believe us, you will not be the only one!
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, many of us are finalizing romantic dinner plans, and searching for cool yet unconventional ways to spend the day. Whether you are looking for an ardent spot to share the day, or an escape from the popular Valentine’s Day activities in New York, there is plenty to do! Enjoy a decadent dinner at one of the best NYC restaurants, take one of the many romantic walking tours or invite your date over and put on some of the sexiest songs ever made. Hello Spotify. If you’re feeling bad for yourself or just going through a breakup, take yourself out, swipe right, or enjoy a bottle of wine on a Friday over a sappy RomCom! There is plenty to do and we have a calendar to help you out!
Happy V-day!