Let us guess, you’re a foodie. How did we know? Everyone is a foodie! Yes, it’s true; you are not the only one who watches cooking shows and likes to eat well.

You’re probably just like us and salivate as we watch all the great chefs prepare delicious looking meals and compete with Iron Chefs while we sit on the couch snacking on cheese doodles and procrastinating the day when we get up and cook for ourselves. Yes, we know it’s so much easier to make a reservation on Open Table or open your Seamless App and have someone come to you.

Sometimes, we get motivated by money. No, not by making money but by spending money. We’re talking about spending a couple dollars to sign up for a cooking class! It’s just like the TV except you’re actually cooking!

There are plenty of places (and deals) around town for you to check out. We listed a few below but now you can have some clout when you tout yourself as the next Bobby Flay!

Institute of Culinary Education (50 West 23rd Street): Maybe the biggest hands-on recreational cooking classes and wine education courses in the country; they have more than 26,000 people taking any of their 1,500 classes offered each year. Credibility much?

Home Cooking New York (158 Grand Street): Each 2 ½ hour class is centered on the preparation of a complete meal and culminates in a full sit-down dinner to enjoy in the intimacy of your home. Use this to impress at your next dinner party.

De Gustibus (151 West 34th Street #8): De Gustibus is not just a cooking school; it’s a culinary theater! You read that correctly. Now dig deeper!

Haven’s Kitchen (109 West 17th Street): A cooking school with a twist; includes a café and private event space. This is your place for sustainable food.

TriniSoul Cooking (1073 – 1077 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn): If you‘re into Caribbean food like we are here, then this is your place. We’re serving it once a week in our offices so we had to find a school to teach us the way!

So, with our short list, we urge you to look further or take the list and invite us to your next dinner party!
