It’s been a very exciting month of #WorldCup action; especially in NYC! It has been a unique experience walking around the city and seeing the bars spilling over with people. I remember trying to go into BXL West for the Belgium/South Korea game and couldn’t even get in the door. Lucky for me, there was a TV that could be seen from the window. I started watching the game on the street and within minutes, there were over 20 of us on the sidewalk watching the game! I question the World Cup’s impact in other more ‘American’ cities compared to the diversity we have here in New York but at the same time I am thankful for the cultural experience. I think that the biggest takeaway from this World Cup was the excitement from USA. I can’t wait until the next tournament to see an improved USA roster and more fan engagement! While I am extremely sad to see the tourney come to a close, the silver lining is baseball. Yes, New York’s sport.
We’re in the middle of the summer, a week away from the All-Star break and it seems like baseball hasn’t been on most people’s minds with all this soccer! I for one haven’t even been to a game this season! This is extremely odd for me given that I attend over 20 Mets/Yankees game per season. Unfortunately for me being a Mets fan, I know that being 8 games out means I should be looking towards 2015 but you Yankee fans should get back on the horse as you’re in a wide open division and only 4 back!
Summer baseball in a baseball town like NYC is going to heat up so while I’m jealous of you Yankee fans getting to see a race, I am thankful for the cheap Mets tickets which I will soon be taking advantage of and enjoying some Shake Shack watching the B-squad!