While it’s felt like it for a while, it is now officially fall. Football season is in full swing and the calendar is starting to fill up!

The trick is to try and take advantage of it all before that crisp air turns to cold air and snow.

I’m sure that you’re like us and the first outdoor activity that comes to mind is football. There are definitely plenty of opportunities to catch games in NJ but have you thought about a trip to West Point? Sports Illustrated named Michie Stadium number 3 on their Top 20 Venues of the 20th Century. Sounds pretty awesome? We think so too! Lets kick it up a notch for you city folk without a car and take a boat!

Yes, a boat! Seastreak provides ferry service to West Point, NY from Atlantic Highlands, NJ and Pier 11/Wall Street in Manhattan. Now, how does that sound? Football and getting one more day at sea before it really gets too cold.

It’s a unique experience that captures all the fall you need – including the foliage on the way up!

The best part of all of this is that we have a discounted deal for you at www.newyorkevents.co/halfprice

Book now!
