Bill Brandt: Shadow and Light
Bill Brandt was a pioneer of photography. He broke boundaries when it came to what to shoot, how to shoot, and how to develop the photos. Prior to me visiting the Bill Brandt: Shadow and Light exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, I had little to no idea of who Mr....
Parsons Dance Gala: Strike up the Band
Welcome to the Mandarin Hotel, a beautiful landmark nestled away in Columbus Circle. This is a night honoring the Board of Trustees of the Harkness Foundation for Dance and hosted by Brent Sidell. An array of delicious hors d'oeuvres, and cocktails circumnavigate...
Director Jonathan Ullman shines the spotlight on New York’s Washington Heights
By Danny Contreras After much sleuthing, I finally got a chance to exclusively interview newcomer film director Jonathan Ullman, who’s had the unique opportunity to release the independent film “Trouble in the Heights” -- a film based on the...

Gutai: Splendid Playground
Welcome to the Guggenheim Museum; an architectural masterpiece in it self perfectly placed on Museum Row in the Upper East side of Manhattan. Through its existence, this venue has hosted an array of...
Jason Borbay presents: Kick Ass Art Exhibit
Monet, Picasso, Manet, Van Gogh, are examples of great artists, and once you think you know them all, along comes Jason Borbay. A native New Yorker, Jason is the newest artist in town creating buzz and earning infinite rounds of applause and recognition in worldwide...