
Something to Look Forward To

Something to Look Forward To

Love outdoor dining? Mayor de Blasio announced that the city’s popular “open restaurants” program will return for warm weather dining next summer.We cant wait!

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Fête nationale

Fête nationale

The party is Bastille Day. The French National Day is the anniversary of Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, a turning point of the French Revolution.

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Phase 2 is Here

Phase 2 is Here

It’s an exciting time as we watch our town wake up and over 300,000 people go back to work. Phase 2 marks the return of many things we love.

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Time to Play Outside

Time to Play Outside

The start of summer is around the corner and may be time to say F U to this virus. We started to Google BBQ recipes. We suggest you do the same.

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Beer. Delivery.

Beer. Delivery.

As you likely know, when they shut down our bars and restaurants, they allowed for takeout and delivery. For food. And booze. Happy quarantining.

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