
Still in Island Mode

Still in Island Mode

Summer may unofficially be over but that doesn't mean that island time is over. In fact, technically we have until late September and our team is prepared to take full advantage of that. The best part of our island push is that we do not have to leave New York. Oh and...

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Brooklyn’s Lunchbox

We talk about it all the time but often guilty of not practicing what we preach. Sure, there is plenty to explore in Manhattan but everyone knows that Brooklyn is on fire. You likely know all about Williamsburg, Park Slope and DUMBO. But, what do you know about...

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Breakfast for Dinner

Breakfast for Dinner

Choice Eats, Obie Awards, 4Knots Music Festival, Choice Streets, Holiday Spirits and Brooklyn Pour. Sound familiar? If not, chances are you are not as loyal as we thought. These are events that The Village Voice has independently produced and created. We consider...

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i is for Noodle

i is for Noodle

People say that the "i" in iPhone, iPad, etc. stands for something personal. Clearly that's what iNoodles thought of when they selected the name for their restaurant. The experience is as personal as it gets. From being greeted upon entry to securing the table you...

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Postprandial Somnolence aka Food Coma

Postprandial Somnolence aka Food Coma

We totally get that most of you do not know what postprandial somnolence means.  The only reason we know is because of that time we checked WebMD to see why we had low energy and postprandial somnolence came up (in addition to cancer, AIDS and the common cold). My...

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