The Tap Room Review

Calling all Ladies, Gentlemen, Singles and perhaps cool and outgoing couples to the Tap Room conveniently located in the heart of Third Avenue. As my friend and I strolled into the joint, it was apparent this was the missing ingredient lacking throughout the night;...

Banc Café Review

Banc café is one of those places that is suited for the first date-getting-to-know you situations. It is quaint, warm, inviting, and provides a cozy environment destined for a rainy New York City Day. Alternatively, in the warmer months feel free to lounge and be part...

Pravda: The Russian Persuasion

 Once upon a short-lived distraction on Lafayette Street while walking towards the subway heading to Brooklyn with a couple of besties, we found ourselves detouring to a very cute place called Pravda. I wish it existed on every corner of every metropolis, however, its...


Well not exactly but it got your attention. New Yorkers’ passion for better beer and ale has been fermenting from the day President Carter allowed home brewing. Craft beers have offered an alternative to the industry’s mass-produced suds ever since. A fact I learned...