
Law + Art
This is not a piece on high-end art purchased by lawyers so you can continue reading. We're totally not into talking about things that we cannot have or events that we cannot attend. What's the point? Oh yeah, we don’t like to wait in line either! Have you ever...

Jack Smith’s Last Apartment
Who was Jack Smith and why do we care about where he lived? Valid question. Jack Smith was an artist by many accounts; he acted, he produced films and is largely known for being a master photographer. Some call him the founding father of American performance art, as...

What is an Auntsforcamera? If it sounds like something that began in Brooklyn, you are correct! Where else would they come up with a name like that? It comes from AUNTS, which is a community of artists and a choreographic structure for organizing numerous performances...

Travel to Scandinavia
With the weather that we have been experiencing, you are probably turned off by the headline. Why on earth would you want to travel to a place that is colder than here?! In fact, you probably have Expedia open in the next tab looking for trips to Miami. The good news...

You Don’t Have to Go Far For Free
There are many places to see art in New York City. The benefit of being here is that the types and style of free art ranges from the graffiti on the walls, the street performers in the city, the permanent sculptures at the landmark venues and art displayed by...