by New York Events | Jun 19, 2013 | Drink, Insider, New York Events
TimeOut New York knew there was no better way to celebrate the launch of their summer drinking issue than with midweek, post-work cocktails. Wednesday evening June 5th, the popular publication hosted a happy hour at the newly-reopened Gallow Green rooftop at the...
by New York Events | May 13, 2013 | Drink, Featured Articles, Insider
Phew! Clock out and get your dancing shoes ready for the the weekend ahead. After a brief mental and verbal ping pong match with friends on where to spend a Saturday night, consider one place worth the experience- Plunge at the Gansenvoort Hotel -MeatPacking...
by New York Events | Dec 11, 2012 | Drink, Insider, Music, New York Events
Culture Club 20 West 39th Street New York, NY 10018 {212} 921-1999 I love the hell out of the 1980’s, and yes, I know we are in the 21st century but I thank the Universe for creating Culture Club, not the band, the one and only 80’s club. If...
by New York Events | Sep 13, 2012 | Drink, Insider, New York Events
Coyote Ugly Saloon 153 First Ave (Between 9th and 10th) Telephone: {212} 477-4431 Hours of Operation: M-Th: 2pm-4am; Fri-Sun: 12:30pm-4am Website: I do not know where to begin with this establishment because it is an...
by New York Events | Sep 13, 2012 | Drink, Insider, New York Events
Tha Hairy Monk 337 3rd Avenue (Corner of 25th Street) New York, NY 10010 Tel :{ 212} 532-2929 Hours of Operation: 11am-4am (daily) Website: The Disclaimer: 19 Beers on Tap, all served in 20 oz pint glasses, because sometimes size does...
by New York Events | Sep 13, 2012 | Drink, Food, Insider, New York Events
Barrique Kitchen and Wine Bar 69 Deer Park Ave Babylon NY 11702 Phone: {631} 321-1175 Hours of Operation: Monday-Sunday 4pm-11pm Website: www.barriquekitchenwinebar.html Welcome to my favorite hidden treasure; Barrique Kitchen and Wine Bar might as well become...